Institute of Environmental Engineering and
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro,
Tel# +92 222 771182 & +92 222 771269
Fax: +92 222 772196
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests:
Hazardous waste treatment and its disposal,
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) of Projects,
Bio-waste treatment and its disposal,
Advanced wastewater treatment and reuse, Advanced
waste treatment technology, Wastewater treatment,
Risk assessment, Environmental Monitoring and
Evaluation of Lined channels and Drainage Projects
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering |
Tsinghua University Beijing China |
2003-2007 |
M.Sc. in Rural Development |
Through linkage program between WYE college University
of London U.K and Sindh University Jamshoro |
(part-time) |
M.E. in Civil( Major in Environmental Engineering) |
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology,
Jamshoro |
(part-time) |
B. E. in Civil Engineering |
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology,
Jamshoro |
1987-1992 |
Employment History
From |
Feb 2007 to date |
Employer |
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology,
Jamshoro |
Position held |
Professor/ Co-Director Institute of Environmental
Engineering and Management, MUET, Jamshoro, Sindh
Pakistan |
From |
July 2003 to July 2007 |
Employer |
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
Tsinghua University Beijing China |
Position held |
Research Associate
/PhD Candidate |
From |
1998 to 2003 |
Employer |
Mehran University |
Position held |
Assistant Professor |
From |
1993-1997 |
Employer |
Mehran University |
Position held |
Lecturer |
Professional Membership
Pakistan Engineering Council
Faculty Member of Department of Civil Engineering, MUET,
Member Board of Studies of Civil Engineering Department,
MUET, Jamshoro
Member of Senate MUET, Jamshoro
Member of Consultant Selection Committee Works and Services
Department, Govt. of Sind
Member of Steering Committee on Urban Development Centre
under the Convener-ship of Additional Chief Secretary, P&D
Department Govt. of Sind
Research Papers and
International Journals
Rasool B. Mahar, Jianguo Liu, Li Huan, Dongbei Yue, and
Yongfeng Nie. Bio-pretreatment of Municipal Solid Waste
Prior to landfilling and its kinetic. Biodegradation
20(3):319-30, 2009
Rasool B. Mahar, Jianguo Liu, Dongbei Yue, YuanYuan Zhang
and Yongfeng Nie.Biological pretreatment of MSW prior to
landfilling. Global NEST Journal, 2009. (In press)
Huan Li; Yiying Jin, Rasool Bux Mahar and Zhiyu Wang.
Effects of ultrasonic disintegration on sludge
microbial activity and dewaterability. J Hazard Mater.
Volume 161, Issues 2-3, January 2009, Pages 1421-1426.
Huan Li; Yiying Jin, Rasool Bux Mahar. Alkaline and
ultrasonic combining pretreatment before sludge aerobic
digestion. Journal of Environmental Sciences 21(3) 2009
Huan Li; Yiying Jin, Rasool Bux Mahar and Zhiyu Wang.
Effects and model of alkaline waste activated sludge
treatment. Bio-resource Technology (Volume 99, Issue 11,
July 2008, Pages 5140-5144
Rasool B. Mahar, Jianguo Liu, Dongbei Yue, and Yongfeng Nie.
Biodegradation of Organic Matters from Mixed Un-shredded
Municipal Solid Waste through Air Convection prior to
Landfilling. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc.
57:39–46, 2007.
Rasool B. Mahar, Jianguo Liu, Dongbei Yue, and Yongfeng Nie.
Landfilling of pretreated mixed un-shredded municipal solid
waste by natural convection of air and its effects. Journal
of Environmental Science and Health Part A: Toxic and
Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 42, 3,
351-359, 2007.
Dongbei Yue, Yudong Xu and Rasool B. Mahar, Fuqiang Liu,
Yongfeng Nie. Analytical solution of gravity separation
model (GSM): Separation of water droplets from vapor in
submerged combustion evaporator. Chemical Engineering
Journal 126, 171–180, 2007.
Dongbei Yue, Yudong Xu and Rasool B. Mahar, Yongfeng Nie.
Laboratory-scale experiments applied to the design of a
two-stage submerged combustion evaporation system. Waste
Management 27, 5,704-710, 2007.
Xingrun Wang, Yiying Jin, Zhingyu Wang, Rasool Bux Mahar,
Yongfeng Nie. A research on sintering characteristics and
mechanisms of dried sewage sludge. J Hazard Mater Volume
160, Issues 2-3, December 2008, Pages 489-494.
Mukhtiar A. Unar and Rasool B. Mahar. Neural network
application for hydraulic characteristics of drop and jump.
Mehran University Research Journal Engineering and
Technology.21, 3, 133-140, 2002.
Abdul Q. Bhatti, Rasool B. Mahar and Abdul A. Memon.
Hospital infectious waste and its proper disposal. Mehran
University Research Journal Engineering and Technology.21,
3, 147-153, 2002.
Rasool B. Mahar, Abdul R. Memon and Misbahuddin M. Impact of
Industrial Effluents on the Water Quality of Phulleli Canal.
Mehran University Research Journal Engineering and
Technology.20, 1, 37-42, 2001.
Abdul R. Memon and Rasool B. Mahar. Evaluation process of
global environmental impact: Assessment guidelines. Mehran
University Research Journal Engineering and Technology.20,
3, 129-138, 2001.
Rasool B. Mahar, Haji M. Memon and Mohammad Y. Khuhawar.
Effect of Lakhara Thermal Power Station (LTPS) effluents’ on
the River Indus water quality. Pak Journal of Analytical
Chemistry. 1, 91-98, 2000.
International Refereed Conferences
Rasool B. Mahar, Jianguo Liu, Dongbei Yue, and Yongfeng Nie
Sustainable landfilling Approach: Two-Stage Bioreactor
Fourth Asian Pacific landfill Symposium Sapporo, Japan, from
October 22 -24, 2008
Rasool B. Mahar, Jianguo Liu, Dongbei Yue, and Yongfeng Nie
. Biological pre-treatment of municipal solid waste prior to
landfilling. 10th International Conference on Environmental
Science and Technology CEST Greece, September, 5-7 2007.
Rasool B. Mahar, Jianguo Liu, Dongbei Yue, and Yongfeng Nie.
Sustainable Landfill: Pre-treatment of MSW prior to
landfilling, Fourth Asian Pacific landfill Symposium
Shanghai from October 18 -20, 2006.
Rasool B. Mahar, Jin Yiying, and Yongfeng Nie
Mechanical-biological pretreatment of municipal solid waste
prior to landfilling. International conference on
environment and circular economy in Tianjin, China.
December, 9-11, 2004.
Rasool B. Mahar, Li Jinhui and Nie Yongfeng. Coal fired
power plants’ effects on ecology and risk assessment. 2nd
International Conference on Environmental Concerns:
Innovative Technologies and Management Options Xiamen,
China. October 18-21, 2004.